The Little Building That Could!

By Pati Egan
Tucked away between Central Supply and the Dorms is a building that had very humble beginnings in 1968 or so but has grown in importance throughout the years. Steve Rheinecker recalls that it was built when his Uncle Ralph was Ranger. It was not unusual for groups of men from various parishes to work on building projects. Ralph would always reward their hard work with some cold beers. These empties ended up being the attic insulation for the BOQ. Rumor has it that they are still in that attic!

This building was only used in the summer. Around 1983 it was decided to upgrade the summer staff residences for Senior Seasonal Staff. It was decided to add on to the old BOQ and rename it the DeGaspari Lodge. This honored a man that Camp may not have existed without his help. “Monsignor Robert DeGasperi headed an effort to procure leases of land in Johnson County, Ill., that would soon become Camp Ondessonk.” (Camp 50th Anniversary Book).
The building would be for staff over 21 in leadership positions. The original residents were Pati Egan (Program Director), Jay Hall (Assistant Maintenance Director), Kim Wilhelm (Trading Post Manager), Steve Hutsch (Equestrian Director), Mary Kay Marcquenski (Frontier Director), and Steve Appel (Food Service Director). Staff thought that the name “The DeGasperi Lodge” seemed a little too formal. It quickly became referred to as “The DG.” Originally there was no running water, thus no showers. Full bathrooms were never in the original plan.

In 1986, Gene Canavan, the new Director, wanted to expand “off season” programming. This meant hiring more “full-time” staff. It became very apparent that housing was needed for this more professional staff. The males stayed in the DeGasperi Lodge (now known as the “DG”) and the two females stayed in the Frontier Dorm. The DG had no heat or insulation and kerosene heaters kept the staff somewhat warm.

In time, showers were finally added to the DG but the females needed to use Bathhouse C. With the opening of the Pete Korte Lodge, the seasonal staff, male and female, now have a new, modern home in which to live that is much warmer, with no drafts, and running water that can be counted on!
Camp wants to attract the best staff possible for its Outdoor Education Program. It is felt that the mighty DG had run its course. The Pete Korte Lodge has permanently replaced the DG. The mighty DG will finally get to rest. A new generation of Outdoor Education Staff will hear many tales of living in the DG. Some will be factual – some will pass on to Urban Legend. As an original resident of the DG, it’s a little sad, but it is time to start new legends and lore out of Pete Korte Lodge. Heepwah, DG, you served us well!
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