
Giving Societies

Donors to Ondessonk’s Giving Societies give Camp the security of knowing that their gifts are a constant source on which to rely on throughout the year and into the future.

Your annual support, in any amount, is key in allowing Camp Ondessonk to offer superior programs and facilities that provide an experience of a lifetime to all who pass through Camp’s gate. Your gifts help Camp attain the vision of operating a world-class camp in a spectacular natural environment; inspiring leadership, self-confidence, and lifelong learning; and promoting stewardship and appreciation of God’s gifts.

Ondessonk Builders & Founders

You become an Ondessonk Builder or Founder through a significant investment of time, talent, and treasure that ensures more generations of campers the ability to enjoy the wonders of Camp Ondessonk.

Ondessonk Builder – By contributing 100 or more hours of your time and talent within a fiscal year (January through December), you become an Ondessonk Builder for that particular fiscal year. Membership is renewed each year.  You can log volunteer hours at Camp and/or with service opportunities outside of Camp that are coordinated by Camp staff.  Volunteers must fulfill Camp’s volunteer program requirements. Download a Volunteer Tracking Form here.

Ondessonk Founder – By investing $1,000 or more within a fiscal year (January through December) in the form of cash gifts or a combination of cash and in-kind gifts, you become a member of the Ondessonk Founders for that particular fiscal year.  Membership is renewed each year, and gifts can be unrestricted or restricted to align with your interests. Become an Ondessonk Founder by clicking here and giving now.

Annual Giving Societies

Your total annual gifts each fiscal year (January through December) will be recognized within these Giving Society levels:

Giving Society LevelGift Amount
St. Isaac Jogues Society$5,000 and above
Kateri Tekakwitha Society$2,500 to $4,999
Fournie Society$1,000 to $2,499
Flame$500 to $999
Spark$250 to $499
Tinder$125 to $249
Patronunder $125

We appreciate your unselfish generosity in assuring that current and future generations will experience the God-inspired beauty and lifelong impact of Camp Ondessonk.

Campfire Circle

Giving Societies Campfire Circle

The monthly giving program, Campfire Circle, makes supporting Camp Ondessonk easy and enables you to give in a bigger way. Monthly gifts truly make a difference as YOU become key to Camp’s success! Your monthly gift, in any amount, becomes vital to ensuring Camp can budget for needs throughout the year. Enroll in the Campfire Circle today!

Le Coeur Society

Giving Societies Camp Ondessonk

If you have named Camp Ondessonk in your estate plans, you become a member of the Le Coeur Society. If you have already included Camp Ondessonk in your estate plans, please complete this Le Coeur Society Letter of Intent and be recognized as someone who wishes to preserve the mission of Camp Ondessonk for generations to come.

To learn more about planned giving, click here.

Members of Le Coeur Society

*Kathleen Arnold*Thomas and Marjorie (Vail) Downey*Thomas and Susan Lamczyk
*Edward and Teresa Barbier*Dennis and Wendy Dusek*Bridget (Bushong) Leabo
*Father Brian BarkerTim Eiserle*Jackie Savage McKay
*Belinda Bauer*Peggy HausmannDana Weh
*Kathy BeineJeanie (Reime) Heller*Chuck and Jean Schwartz Weiss
*Jackie Bushong*Lucia (Juenger) Hodges*Kenneth and Carrie Wetstein
*Justin Bushong*Kyle and Trish Bell Holtgrave*Michael and Judith Blase Woodruff
*Steven and Teresa Bushong*Michael Horace
Joseph Bushue*Carol Kreitner

*Denotes Founding Members

Camp Ondessonk is thankful for the following individuals who made the decision to generously include Ondessonk in their estate plans before the Le Coeur Society was established:

Vicky Curtis
Gregory J. Mateyka
Elizabeth “Liz” Zelenka
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