
Tag: Illinois Summer Camp

First time camper open house april 22, 2021.

First Time Camper Open House

The First Time Camper Open House 2022 is the best way to introduce potential campers (and nervous parents) to the Ondessonk experience. Families will have a chance to meet leadership…
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Camp onderson's getting ready for camp webinar.

Getting Ready for Camp Webinar

The Getting Ready for Camp Webinar is an excellent way for both new and returning camper families to hear about Camp Ondessonk‘s summer camp planning for 2022 and see a…
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Camp onderson's getting ready for camp webinar.

Getting Ready for Camp Webinar

The Getting Ready for Camp Webinar is an excellent way for both new and returning camper families to hear about Camp Ondessonk’s summer camp planning for 2022 and see a…
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Camp onderson's getting ready for camp webinar.

Getting Ready for Camp Webinar

The Getting Ready for Camp Webinar is an excellent way for both new and returning camper families to hear about Camp Ondessonk’s summer camp planning for 2022 and see a…
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Camp onderson's getting ready for camp webinar.

Getting Ready for Camp Webinar

The Getting Ready for Camp Webinar is an excellent way for both new and returning camper families to hear about Camp Ondessonk’s summer camp planning for 2022 and see a…
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Camp onderson's getting ready for camp webinar.

Getting Ready for Camp Webinar

The Getting Ready for Camp Webinar is an excellent way for both new and returning camper families to hear about Camp Ondessonk’s summer camp planning for 2022 and see a…
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