Fall Lodge Reunion 2019 Recap
On the weekend of September 27th, 2019, over 80 members of the Lodge of Ondessonk and Tekakwitha gathered at Camp Ondessonk for the annual Fall Lodge Reunion 2019 and Annual Meeting. During this weekend, participants serviced Camp and bonded with other members. Saturday morning began with participants working on projects to benefit Camp Ondessonk, such as trail maintenance, cleaning the aquatics area, expanding the Ahatsistari Fire Pit, repairing the fire pits at Woodsmanship, and working in the stables. A special thank you is needed for the staff of the Bike Surgeons from O’Fallon, IL, who came down to help lead crews on trail maintenance. In the afternoon, participants competed in a marathon event that was designed specifically for Lodge Campers. After Mass and dinner, the Lodge Officials held the Annual Meeting to discuss and vote on changes to the Constitution for the Loyal Lodge of Ondessonk and Tekakwitha. During the Annual Meeting, present members voted to change the Council Official election process. This process will allow for online voting to happen before the Fall Reunion weekend to help better prepare the future Council Officials. Following the meeting, youth participants went to the climbing wall to have a fun nighttime climbing experience.
On Sunday morning, new Council Officials were elected and the first Council meeting under the new Officials took place. It was a great weekend for all involved and Lodge cannot wait to see how they can better Camp Ondessonk at the Spring Lodge Reunion in 2020.
For questions concerning changes to the Constitution, please contact the Lodge email at lodge@ondessonk.com. If you’re interested in learning more about the Lodge of Ondessonk and Tekakwitha, visit The Loyal Lodge page.