Continued progress on the Pete Korte Lodge
By Judy Blase Woodruff
The Pete Korte Lodge at Camp Ondessonk is now sporting a steel siding wrap. Steel roofing and siding materials are highly durable and last for many years. In addition, it is a recyclable material that won’t end up rotting away in a landfill like other roofing or siding materials. Steel siding is resistant to fire. It takes little to no maintenance to upkeep, and it is impervious to most elements like foul weather, temperature changes, mold and mildew, and critters like termites and rodents.

After the roof, soffits, and windows were installed, volunteers began the process of wrapping the home with the steel siding. They made great progress, but because of time constraints, PLD Construction was contracted to complete the siding installation. In addition to securing the building with locked doors and windows, volunteers began electrical wiring, with about 80% complete.

While we have seen much progress on the duplex in the past few months, summer camp is upon us, and work on the Pete Korte Lodge will not stop, but will slow down considerably. If you are at Camp this summer, look to your right as you walk to the Dining Hall for meals, and you will see this incredible new staff duplex standing proudly in the idyllic setting of the pasture, waiting for some of our year-round staff to make it their home!
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