

Outdoor Education Staff Training

By Chris Bretcher, Program Director Now that September is upon us, the days grow shorter, and a cool breeze relieves the forest of the summer heat, Camp Ondessonk is wrapping…
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The Relationship Between Personal Growth and Equestrian Programming

By Catherine Limkeman, Equestrian Director Camp Ondessonk’s staff strives toward its motto, “teaching what matters most.” On one level, Ondessonk’s programming teaches many complex skills: Canoeing, tying knots, building fires,…
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This we know: All things are connected. My Family’s Lodge Story

The Clifford family arrives at Camp in 2019. L to R: Caleb, Henry, Derek, Sara, and Samuel Most of my moments like that have been at Camp Ondessonk. Like the…
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A message from your Lodge Officials

With the summer coming to an end and the fall quickly approaching, the new Lodge Official team is busy planning for Council Official Elections, Fall Lodge Reunion, contacting new members,…
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Christine Kengott: A World Traveler

When Christine Kengott, known then as Chris Hempen, made her first trip to Camp Ondessonk at 11 years old, she had never been so far from home.  Though her trip…
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Being of Service: Giving back in the best way for you

Service to Camp Ondessonk is an important part of being an active member of the Loyal Lodge of Ondessonk & Tekakwitha.  With so many ways to give back, you are…
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