
Author: Tony Vrooman

What is Outdoor Education

What is Outdoor Education?  Camp Ondessonk works closely with educators and group leaders to create a dynamic experiential curriculum providing students with hands-on learning.  An Ondessonk Outdoor Education experience promotes group…
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The Benefits of Outdoor Education

Recently Camp Ondessonk staff sat down with teacher Barbara Scarlett to discuss the benefits of Outdoor Education programs within her school’s curriculum. What educational, social, spiritual, and personal benefits do…
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Want to work at Camp this summer?

What does it take to work at Camp Ondessonk for the summer? Camp Ondessonk welcomes all types of people to work at camp over the summer.  After all, we get…
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Ondessonk Staff Visit Catholic Schools and PSR Programs

For the next two months program staff, Amanda Bailey, Jessie Dickerson, Ryan Kiefer, and Mary Regan along with some of the full-time faculty, Program Coordinator, Nolan Hurst and Program Director, Greg Santen,…
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NEW Spiritual Retreat Program Offerings

Our motto at Camp Ondessonk is, “Teaching what matters most.” It is evident that camp excels at using the rustic out of doors experience to teach about resilience, confidence, communication,…
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Teenage Summer Camp Adventures

Is my teenager too old for summer camp?  We get asked that question a lot by parents, but our answer is always a simple “No.”  Camp Ondessonk located in the…
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