2019 Camp Ondessonk Project and Supply Goals
The following Camp Ondessonk projects and supply purchases are planned for 2019. Expected costs are listed below. With your help, camp will complete these goals with double dose of “Camp Magic” – first, in the form of generous cash or in-kind gifts; and secondly, with the help of our skilled and devoted volunteers. Please contact Dan King or our staff to learn the status of each project/program. In addition, we encourage you to visit Ondessonk.com/wish-list to see a more specialized 2019 wish list containing smaller items.
Unit and Activity Area Construction
Campfire Area Seating $3,000
Materials expenses for construction of new campfire area benches throughout camp. Skilled volunteers have already completed bench construction at Lalande, Lakeside, Brebeuf, and Amantacha. We will be building benches in the remaining units as funding and labor allows.
Swimming Area Gazebo $18,000
Construction is already underway on a new gazebo with perimeter built-in seating, a vented fireplace, Americans with Disabilities Act-compliant concrete walkways, a separate sheltered picnic patio, picnic tables, and cubby-hole storage for camper belongings. Donors have already made generous gifts amounting to $6,000 for this project. Heepwah!
Canoeing and Kayaking Dock Remodel $1,200
It is time to replace the flotation blocks that support the watercraft’s dock.
Archery Storage Building Construction $3,000
Construction is underway on a much-needed archery storage building. A 12’ X 12’ structure, it will contain roll-up window and doors, an equipment maintenance workbench, and ample storage for targets, bows, and other supplies.
Energy Conservation
HVAC Replacement in St. Noel building $10,000
Part of a multi-year strategy initiated in 2015, two inefficient HVAC units are scheduled for replacement in 2019. Estimated project payback period is five to seven years.
Beach House Hot Water System Upgrade $3,400
A project likely not appreciated until shower time… Plans are in place to install two new commercial propane water heaters and two recirculating water pumps. Estimated project payback period is four to six years.
Equestrian and Stables
Hay Rake Purchase $3,500
Did you know Camp Ondessonk’s staff and volunteers work together to bale over four hundred thousand pounds of hay every year? This huge task is possible because of well-maintained camp pastures, the generosity of great Camp Friends with a hay pasture adjacent to camp, and modern baling equipment including a tractor donated by another Camp Friend, a Hay Baler partially funded by Camp Friends, and other equipment. Camp’s old hay rake is now due for replacement. We hope to purchase a gently used machine prior to harvesting spring hay in June.
Tack and Supplies $2,500
Helmets, de-wormer, fly spray, lead lines, bridles, and other horse supply expenses add up quickly. Please consider making a gift to help cover the cost of giving children great equestrian experiences. If you are feeling especially generous, keep in mind that camp will spend an additional $10,000 on horse feed, supplements, and other nutrition needs in 2019.
Program Equipment and Supplies
Canoe and Kayak Replacement $5,000
Camp initiated a multi-year kayak and canoe replacement plan in 2016. Funded by generous donors and operating funds, this effort has significantly improved Ondessonk’s canoe and kayak fleet. If funding allows, camp will purchase two canoes ($800 each) and 10 kayaks ($340 each) this year.
Summer Handicrafts Supplies $1,500 – $2,500
Purchases for consumable supplies like bracelet lanyard, leather, and the dye used to make Ty Dye T-shirts will amount to $1,500 to $2,500 in 2019. If Handicrafts makes you happy, please consider a gift to help purchase the crafting materials loved by generations of Camp Ondessonk campers. Kids need daily time for quiet, reflective, tactile learning. Handicrafts provides the forum. Your gift will provide the funding.
Aquatics Area Safety Supplies $600
This year’s needs include personal flotation devices (AKA lifejackets at $35 each), lifeguard rescue tubes ($40 each), and new backboard straps ($100). Please consider chipping in to help cover this essential equipment.
Archery Supplies $2,500
We are proud to supply durable, high quality bows, arrows, targets, and wrist-guards to our campers. Many camps skimp by purchasing the cheapest equipment available, resulting in a less than ideal learning environment. Excellent equipment supports learning, success, and fun. Please consider helping out.
Climbing Helmets $750
Thousands of children climb at Camp Ondessonk annually. Helmets are $50 each. Camp must replace fifteen in 2019.
A Case Study of the Rifle Range FUNDED!
Every year a group of former summer camp counselors pools their resources to fund the annual equipment and supply needs of the Rifle Range. Every single Riflery participant served during the last seven or eight years has benefitted from their kindness.
Unrestricted Cash Gifts
We are deeply grateful for every gift, big and small. Unrestricted gifts allow us the flexibility to use your gift where it is most needed over the course of the year, saving us operating costs in the long run. If you are unsure of where you would like to help or if you’d prefer we use your gift to fund Camp’s greatest needs, please consider an unrestricted gift.
Thank you for your support!