
Let’s Celebrate! Save the date for Camp O Day!

Let’s Celebrate! Save the date for Camp O Day!

Camp O Day - Camp Ondessonk

Help us celebrate the founding of Camp Ondessonk on Camp O Day!  Held annually on June 28th, the day the very first day of Summer Camp in 1959, this one-day effort encourages gifts of time, talent, and treasure to ensure Camp Ondessonk will “teach what matters most” for years to come.  

Join the celebration, no matter where you are, by participating in one or more of the following ways:

  • Help us spread the word by posting your Camp memories or sharing Camp’s social media posts with your friends.
  • Give through one or more of the following ways:
    • a donation to support the mission of Camp Ondessonk;
    • an in-kind gift to provide program supplies; or
    • a pledge to volunteer for work projects around Camp.

Do you remember…?

When Camp Friends get together, the conversation often turns to their favorite memories, Camp people, and experiences. Help us preserve Camp Ondessonk’s history by sharing your favorite memories in this survey: https://form.jotform.com/240245937950158.

Whether your memories are as a camper, counselor, volunteer, parent of a camper, and/or donor, your experience is important. We want to know your memories of driving down the Camp Road for the first time, who made your time as a camper extra special, and what you recall from your summer(s) on staff. Your experience is part of our history that helps tell the full Ondessonk Story.

Click here to learn more about Camp Ondessonk’s Mission and History.


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