
“Come Home to Camp!” Annual Fund Drive

“Come Home to Camp!” Annual Fund Drive

Camp Ondessonk invites you to “Come Home to Camp” as we begin our 2010 Annual Fund Drive.

Our theme was inspired by a former staff and camper who had recently “come home” to Camp after 35 years. He said that he counted Camp Ondessonk as one of the most influential experiences in his very successful adult life (even if he didn’t know it at the time), and he was excited to see that campers today have the same wonderful opportunities that he had as a young man.

The Annual Fund Drive raises unrestricted funds that allow Camp to offer great programming, maintain our beautiful site, and offer Campership assistance to families in need. We have an aggressive goal this year – to raise $50,000 between September 1 and December 31, 2010, and we are well under way. Our Camp friends have been very generous in the past, and we hope you will help us as we improve our Camp for future generations of campers.

If you believe in Camp Ondessonk and would like to contribute to this year’s drive, you can send your donation in the pre-printed enclosed envelope to Camp Ondessonk. Or, you can go to our website www.ondessonk.com and click on “Donate Now” via Pay Pal.

Thank you for your generosity!

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