
Category: Ondessonk

Camp Spirit by Dan King

It’s known as “camp magic” or “camp spirit,” and embraced by campers and staff alike who feel that special energy alive at camp. I won’t deny there’s magic here— but…
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Advice for Campers- Kate Burgauer

A Little Bit About Me Mosquitoes love me, horseflies fear me, and campers still tell me they laugh at  my silly jokes.  Even though I have a grown-up job, I…
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Save the Date! 2015 Camp Ondessonk Gala and Benefit Auction

Save the Date! 2015 Camp Ondessonk Gala and Benefit Auction!   When: Saturday March 7, 2015   Where:  Sheraton Four Points, Fairview Heights, IL   Watch for more details coming in…
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Black Robe- Father Steven Beatty

I saw it at a book sale. It was an old cloth-bound hardback, frayed around the edges but certainly good for dozens more readings, and the title practically jumped off…
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Camp Ondessonk Stable News

Camp Ondessonk Stable News- Hello from the Ondessonk Stables! Spring is in the air and we are excited to dust off the saddles and ride the trails this summer! The barn…
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Camp Ondessonk on Google Earth

Camp Ondessonk on Google Earth-  Google Earth is an application provided by Google to allow visitors to utilize satellite images of earth to explore places, street views, and historical imagery.  …
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