
Category: Camp Ondessonk


Attention Camper Families! Did you know that we have bus transportation available in the areas of Chicago, St. Louis, and Springfield? Let us take care of that long ride to/from…
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Lucia’s Corner- Reflections on Why

The weight of winter, of aging, and of so many challenges in the lives of friends and family bring me to my knees.  In His name, as I ask for…
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Patches, Badges and the Old Camp Logo

By Pati Egan Staff and C.I.T.s  (Counselors in Training) no longer wear these patches on their uniform shirts.  A staff picture from 1988 shows the girls’ and most of the…
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Reasons to give appreciated assets before the end of the year

Giving appreciated assets, like stocks, bonds, or mutual funds that have increased in value since purchased, to Camp Ondessonk can be valuable to Camp as well as to your financial…
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Many Ways to Leave a Legacy at Camp

There are many easy ways you can make future gifts to organizations like Camp Ondessonk: Bequests – Simply put, a bequest is any gift made as part of a will…
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Pete Korte Lodge Progress!

As the days turn cool, work is progressing on The Pete Korte Lodge at Camp Ondessonk. Kenny and Gavin, from Korte & Luitjohan Contractors, Inc., have been busy laying pipe…
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