
Camp Ondessonk will be featured on the new hit show “Small Town Big Deal” Thursday October 11th on RFD-TV 8:30pm CST

Camp Ondessonk will be featured on the new hit show “Small Town Big Deal” Thursday October 11th on RFD-TV 8:30pm CST

That’s right we are now officially TV stars.  Camp Ondessonk will be featured on the new hit show “Small Town Big Deal”  Thursday October 11th on RFD-TV 8:30pm CST.  The show features America’s small towns and the amazing personal stories of big success, clever innovation, captivating history and just good common sense ideas that truly make a difference in people’s lives.

How to find the show?

Direct TV: channel 345, Dish: channel 231


Join host Rodney Miller October 11th, and we’ll see you on the red carpet!


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