
Camp Ondessonk Scholarships

Camp Ondessonk Scholarships

To apply for Camp Ondessonk Scholarship funds for Summer 2013 contact our Camp Registrar at 877-659-2267 ext. 109.
Camp Ondessonk has established three Scholarship Funds that make it possible for families with financial hardship to receive assistance for all or part of their summer tuition.
The General Scholarship Fund provides  tuition assistance awarded at the following levels:  $150 or $200.  Families will be required to request their desired funding level on a simple request form.  A short, one or two paragraph essay written by the potential camper will be attached to each scholarship request form and submitted to Camp Ondessonk, care of “General Scholarship Request”.  General Scholarship submission deadline dates will be March 1 and May 1.  Each scholarship request form and essay must be accompanied by a camper application and $100 deposit.  The deposit is refundable only in the event that no scholarship funding is awarded.  It is not refundable in the event that the camper’s scholarship award falls short of the family’s request.  Families must be informed of their child’s scholarship status within one week of each deadline.  If scholarship funding is available after May 1, scholarship requests will be reviewed in the order of submission on Friday morning of each work week.  The General Scholarship review committee will include the Camping Services Director, Director of Development, and Volunteer Coordinator.  The committee will submit its recommendation to the Executive Director.
Essay topics are as follows:
  • “Why I want to be an Ondessonk camper”
  • “Why I love Camp Ondessonk”
  • “What Camp O taught me about myself last summer”
The Camp Ondessonk St. Kateri Scholarship Fund provides up to 60% of tuition coverage for families with a demonstrated financial need.  The family of each potential St. Kateri Scholarship recipient must submit a scholarship request form containing family information including number of dependent children and documented proof of income.  Information should be mailed to camp care of “St. Kateri Scholarship Request”.


The Monsignor John T. Fournie Campership Fund is a full-scholarship program (which includes full tuition, bus fare, camping gear and Barter Bucks), and serves underprivileged children from the Belleville and E. St. Louis area.


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