

Tips from a Camp Doctor who is also a Camp Dad

By Dr. Chris Wangard 1) The new system for health forms is a little different than previous years.  When completing your children’s health information, EVEN IF THEY DON’T TAKE ROUTINE…
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A Kentucky Equine Excursion

By Amanda Bailey Five campers travel four and a half hours out of the Shawnee National Forest to Lexington, Kentucky–the horse capital of the world, for Kentucky Equine Excursion (KEE).…
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Unique Adventure Camp Experiences

By Kristin Marie Bivens “Ondessonk’s Adventure Camps provide an opportunity for your child to step out of their comfort zone, learn from qualified staff about the hard skills necessary for…
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Mini Camp Carnival

By Amanda Bailey & Kristin Marie Bivens Ozark, IL According to the American Camp Association, there are approximately 11 million campers who attend day and overnight summer camps each year.…
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Camp Ondessonk loves a parade

By Ondessonk Staff OZARK, IL.  Camp Ondessonk will be participating in two upcoming parades.  Ondessonk staff, volunteers, and campers will be walking the parade route with the float sharing the…
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Howdy from Ondessonk Stables!

By Catherine Limkeman, Equestrian Director This has been a year of transition at the Ondessonk Stables. Meagan Walters handed the reins over to me, Catherine Limkeman. I now serve as…
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