
Author: Tony Vrooman

Throwback Thursday- The Quest For The Golden Arrowhead

  As a camper, I never knew the thrill or the pride that comes with the honor of receiving the Golden Arrowhead at the end of a week of camp.…
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Heepwah in China

I wanted to share with you, and anyone else that might be interested, my camp experience. I am a veteran, and Lodge inductee of Camp Ondessonk. I was a camper for two…
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Top Three Camp Skills For The Job Market

I learned so much at camp, but right now, a year out of college, I am faced with the question of how to go from orienteering in woodsmanship to navigating…
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Business and Parish Yearbook Ads

Camp Ondessonk has served more than 250, 000 children since 1959.   Your yearbook ad in the Camp Ondessonk Yearbook and Newsletter shows your support for camper families who live in your…
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Yearbook Ads For Campers

Camp Ondessonk recently released an updated program allowing parents to purchase personalized yearbook ads for campers.  The ads help support Camp Ondessonk’s efforts to continue offering the best camp programming available.…
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Camp Ondessonk Coed 2 2014 Summer Camp

Camp Ondessonk recently created a video called “Camp Ondessonk Coed 2 2014 Summer Camp”.  The video provides an overview of the Summer Camp session including activities such as archery, hiking,…
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