A message from your Lodge Officials
With the summer coming to an end and the fall quickly approaching, the new Lodge Official team is busy planning for Council Official Elections, Fall Lodge Reunion, contacting new members, and the year ahead. Meanwhile, we reflect back on the work we have accomplished as Lodge Officials for the sake of bettering this great organization and Camp Ondessonk.
The 2021-2022 Lodge Officials spent a lot of time providing resources to our Councils. First, we assembled Council digital drives with beneficial resources like meeting ideas, service opportunities, and helpful instructions. The Council drives established Council email addresses that can be handed down to future generations of Council Officials to better enhance our communication, professionalism, and record keeping. Among many other missions this team took on, we ensured that every Council had a Band for group communication which proved to be vital in providing Lodge opportunities to active members of all Councils. The 2021-2022 team also coordinated both Fall and Spring Lodge Reunion and introduced the new virtual Winter Lodge Reunion. We created and frequently updated the new Lodge Instagram (@campondessonklodge) to keep members better engaged and informed throughout the off-season. We utilized this social media platform to facilitate fundraisers like the Living Out Lodge fundraiser and the Winter Lodge Bingo fundraiser, which were huge contributors to our $2,861.20 raised throughout the year.
This is just a small sample of the incredible work achieved by the 2021-2022 Lodge Officials and Council Officials. We hope to see this momentum and progress continued and strengthened this year with our new Lodge leadership teams. We wish everyone the best of luck!
We hope to see you at the Fall Lodge Reunion. Until then, keep up the good work, and feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] with any questions concerning involvement.