
An Easy Way to Provide for Camp’s Future

An Easy Way to Provide for Camp’s Future

If you have decided to include Camp Ondessonk in your future plans, please accept our deepest appreciation. You can share the following bequest language with your attorney:

“I give, devise and bequeath to Camp Ondessonk, located at 3760 Ondessonk Road, Ozark, IL 62972, the sum of $______________ (or ______% of my residuary estate) to be used for its general purposes.”

Camp Ondessonk Tax ID number: 27-2282184

If you would like to designate your gift to a particular purpose or program, please contact Camp’s Development Director for specific language and to learn how you can use a gift agreement to document your gift and its future use.


An Easy Way to Provide for Camp’s Future  Camp Ondessonk Planned Giving

Click Here to learn more about Camp Ondessonnk’s Planned Giving.


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