
Pete Korte Lodge Progress!

Pete Korte Lodge Progress!

As the days turn cool, work is progressing on The Pete Korte Lodge at Camp Ondessonk. Kenny and Gavin, from Korte & Luitjohan Contractors, Inc., have been busy laying pipe for the new staff duplex. The piping will provide the plumbing for the building to run water and waste from the kitchens, bathrooms, and utility rooms. The piping work has been inspected, and has passed.

Pete Korte Lodge Progress Camp Ondessonk
Kenny left & Gavin right

Next, rock will be placed over the piping along with a pre-construction termite treatment. After that, the concrete flooring will be poured. In addition, electric service work is planned for this week. A crew from the local electric provider, Southeastern Illinois Electric Cooperative, will be on site to place a new pole and hang service wire.

This latest home at Camp is taking shape and it’s exciting to watch!

Pete Korte Lodge Progress Camp Ondessonk 1
The beautiful site of the new staff duplex.


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