
Tag: outdoor education

‘Unplugged, unharried, and delightfully unhinged’: The case for rewilding your child at Camp Ondessonk

‘Unplugged, unharried, and delightfully unhinged’: The case for rewilding your child at Camp Ondessonk

When I was 10 1/2, I shared a tiny cabin for a week with one friend, four strangers, and about a bajillion wolf spiders, which I was certain were going…
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Heepwah to the Dreamers and Innovators! Marathon – Part Two Camp Ondessonk

Heepwah to the Dreamers and Innovators! Marathon – Part Two

By Pati Egan Thus, the Marathon Race was born from one person having an idea and working as a Staff team to create something amazingly awesome. The new Marathon is…
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The Stewarts Generous Donation of Time and Expertise

By Judy Blase Woodruff Not all folks begin volunteering at Camp Ondessonk because they were campers or counselors first. Judy and Randy Stewart are a perfect example of this, because…
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'Failing to plan is planning to fail': Teen OWLs think through facilitating fun. OWL participant working with Mini Campers at Camp Ondessonk. O.W.L.

‘Failing to plan is planning to fail’: Teen O.W.L.s think through facilitating fun

By Sara Bell Clifford “Create something that distracts them from their friends leaving midweek, but also excites them for what is to come,” says one O.W.L.  Also, it’s to get…
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Fire- and fun-building at Woodscraft Camp Ondessonk

Fire- and fun-building at Woodscraft

By Sara Bell Clifford In the Ondessonk Grotto, campfires start with a “Heepwah!” At Woodscraft, they start with a song, performed and pantomimed by the activity area staff: “Down, dispersed,…
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Creative Thought and Collaboration! Marathon – Part 1

By Pati Egan There is something about Camp Ondessonk that opens the mind to creative thought, collaboration, and a finished product that withstands the test of time. The Marathon Race…
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