Active Lodge membership requires an annual dues payment, but the Loyal Lodge has created the option of an Active Lifetime Lodge Membership with a one-time dues payment of $250, with no need to renew each year.
Benefits of Lifetime Membership
- Dues paid for life.
- Lifetime Lodge Membership pin.
- Certificate stating Lifetime Membership.
- Free unit or tent camping during Open Camping Weekends throughout the school-year.
- Normal camping fees apply to guests of Lifetime Lodge Members.
- Free Lodge Reunions.
- E-newslettes and recognition on the website and in the annual Stewardship Report.
- Active Lodge membership keeps you connected to Camp, and Camp needs you!
Lodge Dues are an investment in young leaders of tomorrow, as they help support summer leadership development programs for Lodge Members. In addition, dues fund activities of the 10 Lodge Councils throughout the country whose members continue the tradition of service to Camp and their communities.
Sign up today online through Campwise.
- Once you have reached the donation page, select:
- Campaign: Lodge
- Purpose: Lodge Dues
- Cost: $250 (one-time fee)
Thank you for taking this opportunity to strengthen your status as an active Lodge Member for life. Your generous investment in Lodge will be used to support many areas of Lodge, including leadership development programs for Lodge Members and supporting activities of Lodge Councils. These Councils continue the tradition of service through Camp work weekends, fundraising for the Scholarship fund, volunteering at Camp events, and donating time and talent by serving their communities.
Current Lifetime Lodge Members
Kevin Abington
Levi Adams
Kate Albrecht
Grace Alongi
Ryan Alstat
Amelia Anderson
Anne Anderson
Claire Anderson
Kathleen Arnold
Lisa Augustine
Michael Ax
Bruce Bader
Baron Baracani
Edward Barbier
Jack Basler
Belinda Bauer
Reggie Bauer
Steven Beatty
William Beatty
Audra Beckemeyer
Reese Bell
Mark Bergman
Teresa Bergman
Amanda Bernard
Mark Berry
Eric Beste
Lauren Biebel
Aaron Blasius
Scott Boan
George Boatwright
Lucas Boatwright
Madeline Boatwright
Mary Boatwright
Jane Boron
Monica Brackman
Michael Braun
Mary Jane Brauer
Cassie Briggs
Mary Brisk
Amy Broadway
Jacob Brown
Jessica Brown
Katie Brown
Rachel Brunner
Kate Budris
Samantha Burlingame
Jacqueline Bushong
Justin Bushong
Steven Bushong
Katie Bushby
Christopher Cahnovsky
Mckenzie Campbell
Lakelyn Carter
Myan Carter
Catherine Ceule
Tracy Christ
Stephanie Ciechanski
Vera Cissell
Buddy Clancy
Abbey Clemens
Harrison Clinton
Eliza Connelley
James Conroy
Shirley Cordie Cook
Brooke Corbett
Rachel Corbett
Evan Coulson
Maggie Couri
Jan Courtney
Erin Crouch
Rosalie Cuca
Mitch Cunningham
Katie Cutler
Kelsey Cutler
Charlotte Cynor
Terrence Davey
Andrew Davis
Larry Davis
Kiley Davis Hannah
Timothy Descamps
Andrew Dignan
Leo Donahue
Nicole Dowd
Marjorie Downey
Jennifer Draper
Lydia Druin
Ryan Druin
Maureen Drumwright
Adam Drury
Tim Drury
Dennis Dusek
Katie Dutton
Keegan Dutton
Greg Elderkin
Hunter Elderkin
Amanda Ellis
Linda Fiock
Megan Folsom
Ethan Fowler
Catherine Fox
Jaime Gayer
Laura Gidley-Feltz
Ainsleigh Glenn
Alexander Godbey
Rocco Gonzalez
Cassandra Gray
Laura Greenwood
Kaela Guglielmo
Elaine Guthrie
Mike Guymon
Katherine Hall
Rachel Hartke
Sarah Hartke
Claire Hatch
Kaylee Hauschild
Peggy Hausmann
Leo Hayes
Ashley Hays
Brett Heier
Grant Heier
Jeanie Heller
Clara Hemann
Colin Hennon
Jocelyn Hennon
Jaclyn Herr
Jerett Herr
Josey Herr
Margaret Hertz
Frances Hideg
Tucker Hill
Gabrielle Hodges
Lucia Hodges
Tyler Hohmann
Angela Holbrook
Everton Holiman
Johanna Hooten
Carly Hopkins
Isaac Hopkins
Michal Horace
John Huck
Elsie Hutchison
John Iffert
Molly Imming
Michael Jansen
Kathy Jarowicz
Courtney Johnston
Kyle Joiner
Breck Jones
Cory Jones
Elizabeth Jones
Sydney Jones
Brian Kauling
Bea Keenan
Rachel Kell
Allison Kelly
Elizabeth Keserauskis
Suzanne King Bires
Alanna Kivland
Tyler Kivland
Carol Klinger
David Klockenkemper
Anna Klostermann
Ella Klostermann
Steve Klostermann
Nancy Knittel
Roberta Knopke
Orie Knox
Donald Koehler
Henry Konzelmann
Benjamin Koopmann
Brett Korte
Kourtney Lannert
Lindsey Lasher
Bridget Leabo
Aimee LeClaire
Nathan Levandowsi
Samantha Levandowski
Amanda Lober
Doug Lopinot
John Lowder
Landon Macon
Allison Maher
Reese Mahoney
Amanda Marggraf
Daniel Martin
Zofia Martin
George Mauck
Claire Maxwell
Jo Ann Mayer
Amanda McCoy
Allie McCreary
Jacquelyn McKay
Susan McQuiston
Connor Meffen
Maria Mengarelli
Christopher Midden
Emily Millsap
Carl Mitckes
Ella Moersch
Gerald Montroy
Anna Moore
Colin Moore
Stanley Myrda
Jennifer Naddeo
Rebecca Nation
David Niehaus
Oliver Niemeier
Katie Nordhues
Paul Numi
John O’Brien
Robert O’Dell
William O’Dell
Michelle Olejnik
Jacob O’Neill
Kaitlyn O’Neill
Jenna Opp
Courtney Ostrowski
Sophia Ott
Jeffery Payne
Merry Peak
Kiel Peregrin
Adeline Peterman
Matthew Peterson
Elaine Phelan
Abigail Phillips
Rita Pierz
Caitlyn Poletti
Evelyn Potter
Thomas Powers
Lincoln Prater
Alexander Rawlinson
Hayden Rehg
Johnna Revermann
Jennifer Rheinecker
Steve Rheinecker
Aiden Richardson
Scott Richter
Addison Ronk
Gavin Ross
Sean Ross
Shannon Ross
Georgia Samet
Dan Sanders
Pat Sanders
Nicole Satti
Olivia Sayuk
Joseph Scherrer
Monica Schibig
Jennifer Schirding
Margaret Schneider
Pat Schneider
Susan Schneider
Nicholas Scholz
Barbara Schutzenhofer
Erin Schwartz
Ursula Sedlak
Ashley Seibold
Austin Shackelford
Ann Shashek
Colleen Shaughnessy
Megan Shekleton
Tayli Shekleton
Tyler Shekleton
Abigail Siegel
Alexis Siegel
Sadie Siegmund
Claudia Sierra
Taylor Simmonds
Tracey Simpson
Shannon Sonderman
Alexis Stacey
Mark Stec
Hannah Sternau
Brittney Storms
Nicole Storms
Leeora Sylvia
Reagan Tanner
Crystal Tebbe
Jill Thiede
Zoe Thompson
Lauren Tomaszewski
Catherine Ulivi
Janet Ulivi
David Vasa
Alexis Verschueren
Meagan Walters
Christopher Wargel
Teresa Wasem
Emily Weber
Julie Weber
Jean Weiss
Kathy Wenzel
Michael Wenzel
Catherine Wessel
Gwendolyn Westhoff
Maria White
Thoman Wilhelm
Ashley Wilkerson
Susan Williams
Kathleen Wittich
Megan Wittich
Cindy Wobbe
Scott Wobbe
Shannon Wobbe
Callie Wood
Barb Woolard
Maxwell Wottowa
Tommy Young
Beth Ziegenhorn
Kimberly Zimmer