
Category: Children’s Summer Camp

Chabanel Camp Ondessonk

The Mighty Chabanel

By Pati Egan Chabanel, unique (snap snap), complete (snap snap), can’t be beat (snap snap) the Mighty Chabanel!  Unit cheers have been a mainstay at Camp for many years.  While…
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Lucia’s Corner

By Lucia Hodges Anyone who has been a camper at Ondessonk has strived to earn activity Arrowhead patches that are awarded when requirements, appropriate to an activity, are completed. Naming…
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The Director’s Desk

By Dan King, Executive Director The joyful sounds of summer camp abruptly ended on August 3.  About two weeks later, those soothing sounds slowly returned as a trickle of students,…
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Girls Week

By: Jordyn Priebe Girls Week is a very special week here at Camp Ondessonk because all of the units are filled entirely with girls. While learning is what matters most,…
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Spring Lodge Reunion 2019

On the weekend of April 12 – 14, the annual Spring Lodge Reunion was held down at Camp Ondessonk. This year we had 51 Lodge Member join us for the…
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Ondessonk Snapshots

Our Swimming Area Gazebo project is underway.  Initial concrete work is complete and plans also include additional concrete work, a food preparation terrace, and sidewalks.  Click here to watch the…
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