
Category: Camp Ondessonk

Camp Ondessonk's Outdoor Education Program stands as a beacon of experiential learning

A Beacon of Experiential Learning

Camp Ondessonk’s Outdoor Education Program stands as a beacon of experiential learning that reaps many invaluable benefits for participants. Rooted in nature and adventure, this program imparts skills, cultivates character,…
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Lost Bridges of Camp Ondessonk – Unique Bridges of Camp Ondessonk

By Pati Egan Unique When cars pulled up to the Camp Ondessonk parking lot in 1959, the iconic Covered Bridge was not the first thing they crossed to begin their…
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Lake St. Isaac – Cooling Off Campers Since 1961

By Pati Egan There are very few places in Camp that campers’ grandparents or maybe even great grandparents can say, “I remember swimming at Camp!” And they will be thinking…
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Travel Back in Time To 1973…

By Pati Egan If we dropped a unit of campers at Camp Ondessonk in 1973, what would their experience be like? First, we would need to get them the right…
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From a Red Lodge Sash to a Red Bandana

By Pati Egan A True Hero and Lodge Member – 1st Lt. Larry A. Garner There is today, in the United States Army, a group of soldiers who can claim…
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International Staff Member Keeps Camp O Close to His Heart

Many campers and staff travel far from home when they come to Camp Ondessonk, but few traveled as far as Jesus Villate did when he was on staff. Known as…
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